Strategic Plan
KSHA Executive Board members developed the following strategic plan in 2022 to guide the activities and efforts of KSHA.Strengths- Expertise and knowledgeable within our membership
- High quality continuing education
- Organized and interesting conferences
- Flexible options for CEUs
- Advocacy at the state level: interstate compact, networking, member support/contact, lobbyists, and leadership
- Active and diverse/dedicated board
- Connecting professionals with other professionals to solve problems or gain knowledge
- Empowering members to self-advocate re: H.R. issues, liability, scope of practice, and reimbursement
- Connecting the public with SLPs and audiologists
- Connecting professionals-mentoring program (current and future)
- Communicating effectively and frequently to membership
- Responsive to incoming inquiries/questions
- Acknowledging contributions of members (Spotlights and awards)
- Dedicated executive director (huge!)
- Collaborative-leadership-facilitating, planning, realistic?
- Supporting members
- Local-connections and community-relevant in current time
- Advocacy and legislation
- Compact-COVID transition-hybrid, quick legislative action and response
- Compact is HUGE as is SLP-A!
- Mentor program is very exciting
- Lobbyist is huge!-Capitol strategies
- Susie is an amazing Executive Director and audiologist. She understands our needs and issues facing SLPs and audiologists statewide.
Opportunities- Stakeholders-KSHA members
- Generationally different needs
- In person=professional networking
- Remote=convenience
- Broader definition of stakeholders-clients, public, legislators, etc.
- Competitors
- Not joining
- $
- Don’t see value
- Lack of knowledge regarding KSHA advocacy etc.
- New customers
- New professionals, students, and non-members
- Meet needs-CE opportunities, professional development/career ladder opportunities
- Top 3-Continuing education, advocacy, networking opportunities
- Students-retain after graduation
- What can we offer at our conference to make people want to come
- How we do online options/remote and engage them!
- Local meet-ups/local relationship building/mentorship
- What do new grads need/want from us?
- What will KSHA do for me?
- More frequent and brief communications re: what KSHA is doing, what KSHA provides
- Obtaining more well-known/sought after speakers for CEUs (webinars, conferences)
- New professional “welcome kit” with tangible items/resources specific to their setting
- More visibility of available resources (e.g., SLP guidelines)
- Online only, cheaper CEUs
- Hybrid learning
- Advocacy/legislation-to empower members
- Local-networking and professional development
- Member outreach and stakeholders-clinicians, clients, and the public
- Remote and in person-meeting needs
Aspirations- Supporting communication
- Who are we-caring, leaders, professional/knowledgeable (not apathetic, not overly committed)
- Who should we become-Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Where we should go-go to for solutions, networking, support, resources, advocacy (compact and SLPAs), state, and professional development
- Only KSHA dues, only KSHA can
- We are passionate about improving communication for all
- Advocacy efforts-most compelling aspirations
- Compact and SLP-A initiatives and member retention to allow us to provide for members while being financially stable
- Connecting the public with professionals in our field
- Connecting!
- Shortages/workload/salary especially in schools
- Quality of life/life-work balance/job satisfaction
- Employment opportunities
- Teletherapy
- Interstate compact
- Medicaid reimbursement
- MAASA bill-Medicare recipients to be able to go to audiologist without a physician order
- Developing continuing education-specific to some requirements-ethics, supervision, diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Balancing our budget-income greater than expenses
- Maintaining membership-2 year membership? Discount
- Recruiting new members
- Keeping students-couple of years? Discounts!!! 2-3 years
Results- Increased membership and diversity of membership
- By 2025, increase membership by at least 10%?
- Membership rewards:
- Bills that go through
- Professional growth
- Increased satisfaction with field and job
- Consumer rewards:
- Increased access to quality services
- Ready resource for answers/information
- Membership retention, growth, and members growing
- “What KSHA Does” answer
- Legislative wins
- Convention feedback/customer satisfaction measures
- Public/clients-track engagement
- Time and money and diverse expertise
- Rewards:
- Observable and measurable achievements
- Recognition
- Monetary-facilitating external and communicating when it happens
- Profit: P/L Statement
- People: # of members, retention rate, # of new members, # of people who serve on board/task forces/committees, and quantify variety of work settings
- Planet: How satisfied are members, work/life balance, salary, make an impact?
- Does the community know how to access our services/are they aware of what we do?
- Community education about what else we do? Swallowing, cognitive therapy, dyslexia, and science of reading-links on website to ASHA areas of practice
- Marketing to school districts/employers
Strategic Plan Action Items Advocacy- Continue using free legislative/regulatory eblasts through ASHA (contact your ASHA state liaison
- Continue to apply for ASHA state association grants (contact Eileen Crowe at
- Continue to apply for student advocacy grants through ASHA (contact Susan Adams at
- SEALs, StAMPs, and STARs-report to Jeanne on a quarterly basis and to the Board (cc Susie). Postings will go in the KSHA Notes through Susie.
- Three network representatives to have an advocacy table at the next KSHA conference, Fall 2022
- Jeanne to develop a poster and bookmark to include:
- Information on SLPAs
- Bulleted points on legislative and regulatory wins
- Create an advocacy scrolling banner for the website-Susie to develop this and have up by June 24. Do once a year updates starting in April, 2023.
- Jeanne (delegate for interstate compact). Currently have information on the web site. Update website information and send out an email by July 4 on status of compact nationwide. Susie will do this update and future updates as needed. Susan Adams at ASHA can provide information on the status nationwide.
- SLPAs-Interest in moving forward with a license for them. Will need to open the state licensing law. Plan to draft a bill for the 2023 legislative session. Susie, Jeanne, and Jamie are the point persons. Plan to continue using lobbyist Bill Brady. Also, apply for an ASHA grant to support this. Jamie will do the grant application (grants open in early January).
- Eileen to send Susie SLPA sample statutes/regulations for states that include language accepting the ASHA SLPA Certification.
- In 2022, have a school-based SLP elected to the Board. Amy to reach out to potential contacts to fill this position.
- Molly Baumgardner will be the SLPA bill sponsor.
Membership - Continue fall in person conference.
- Offer mini virtual conferences every other month. Groups will host a topic. Need more marketing/networking opportunities. Need to do marketing at the beginning. Offer alternating topics by setting. Begin these offering by August. Stephanie, Jamie, and Veronica will develop these. Susie will be the point person for the first one in August on pediatrics. Stephanie will develop the template. By July 4 announce the August event on the website, via email, and Facebook. Sessions will take place from 12-1 p.m. and be recorded.
- Do a survey through ASHA to reach out to members in the state (contact Eileen Crowe and Jeff Regan, Ana Paula to reach out to ASHA to craft a “what our members want” survey. Ana Paula will draft the questions.
- Option for a two-year membership. Susie wants to talk to other states about this. President, president’s elect, and past presidents can post a query on this to the ASHA state leader’s community. They can also reach out to CSAP to ask them to post this question on their community. Decide by the end of November how to move forward with this possible change.
- Send an annual reminder each April to students via Susan to update their email addresses as they are graduating. Begin this in 2023. Do a student count before this is sent out and again after six months to see if there was an increase in membership.
- Susie to reach out to Eileen to connect with Ellen Shortill at ASHA to review their future conference contract.
- Mentor program-eight matches so far. Susie will send out tips for the matches made in April. She will reach out again in July to members and report back to the Board in September. Promote this in an email after the fall conference and through a QR Code at the conference. Susie will develop the QR Code.
- Ana Paula will investigate the cost of a possible photographer to do headshots at the fall conference for Thursday morning.
- Veronica will reach out to Eileen to connect her with ASHA’s Multicultural Affairs Team for resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion.