
2024: September 26-27 - Hyatt Regency Hotel - Wichita

Speakers: Please submit your handouts on the Whova app for attendees to download prior to conference. Handouts are due by September 6th, 2024

Per ASHA requirements, all speakers must disclose any relevant financial or non-financial relationships to attendees prior to the conference. Additionally, all relationships disclosed will be announced at the beginning of each session.

Speaker Disclosures for the 2023 Annual Conference

Financial relationships
 are those relationships through which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, gift, speaking fee, consulting fee, honorarium, ownership interest (e.g., stocks, stock options, or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual funds), or other financial benefit. Financial relationships can also include "contracted research" in which the institution obtains the grant and manages the funds and the individual serves as the principal or named investigator.

Nonfinancial relationships are those relationships—including personal, professional, political, institutional, religious, or other—that might bias an individual. For example:

  • Personal—the individual has a friend in the company whose products the presenter is discussing; the individual has a family member or friend with a disorder covered by the course presented.
  • Professional—the presenter belongs to an association or group whose services are discussed in the presentation; the presenter has a professional bias about a way to deliver a particular service; he or she is employed by or serves in a leadership role for ASHA or another professional organization.
  • Political—the presenter is biased about a topic (e.g., health care reform), and that bias reflected the position of a particular political party on the issue.
  • Institutional—the presenter is affiliated with an institution or organization (e.g., serves on a committee or board of that organization); the presenter belongs to and/or financially supports the organization's causes.
  • Religious—a bias that is based on religious tenets (e.g., the presenter is biased in favor of service delivery at end of life based on his or her religious beliefs).