Legislative Updates
Issues important to our professions and citizens of the state of Kansas include:
EDUCATION FUNDING- KSHA supports continued and expanded funding of special education services, including advocating for appropriate policies related to Medicaid covered services in schools and other settings.
- We are facing a shortage of qualified SLPs. The number of special education students in need of services is disproportionate to the number of qualified SLPs who can provide these services.
HEARING CONSUMER PROTECTION- KSHA supports consolidation of the Kansas Board of Hearing Aid Dispensers with KDADS to ensure consumer protection and make the process for filing complaints straightforward for hearing aid consumers. We oppose efforts of hearing aid dispensers to expand their scope of practice.
- KSHA supports one license for audiologists to practice their profession, to include the fitting and dispensing of hearing aids.
- KSHA supports expanded access to hearing aids through insurance coverage. KSHA does not support HB 2021 as written but would work with legislators to craft a bill that would benefit consumers and ensure best practices for services provided.
MEDICAL COVERAGE- Limitations of Medicare and Medicaid affect access to services for individuals of all ages.
- KSHA supports Medicaid expansion.
- KSHA supports efforts to increase oversight of KanCare to protect consumers and to provide access to services for those on disability waivers.
TELEPRACTICE:- We support the recognition and coverage of appropriate services delivered through telepractice/telehealth including coverage of services by Medicaid in school settings.
- We support state requirements that ensure consumer protection for services delivered through telepractice/telehealth.