Interstate Compact for SLPs & AuDs
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC)

Clinicians and clients are expected to begin benefiting in 2022.
We are excited to announce that Governor Laura Kelly signed SB 77, the Interstate Compact for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, into law on March 30, 2021. Kansas became the 9th state to enact the Compact. It takes ten states for the Compact to go into effect. Ten states have now passed the legislation. ASHA is planning a meeting later this year (2021) for creating the Commission, which is the next step in the logistics of this Compact.
Ten states have ratified the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC), a project spearheaded and funded by ASHA, clearing the way for implementation.
The ASLP-IC allows audiologists and speech-language pathologists to practice legally and ethically across member state boundaries and through telepractice with a single license.
The ASLP-IC needed to be adopted by 10 states to become operational. That milestone was reached March 31 when the governor of Nebraska signed LB 14 into law.
In 2020, six states adopted the ASLP-IC: Louisiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, states have recognized the importance of licensure mobility and telepractice. So far in 2021, 15 states introduced bills to adopt the ASLP-IC; three states, in addition to Nebraska, have passed the legislation as of April 1.
See which states have enacted (or introduced) the compact HERE.
ASLP-IC is an occupational licensure compact that:
- Addresses increased demand to provide/receive audiology and speech-language pathology services.
- Authorizes both telehealth and in-person practice across state lines in ASLP-IC states.
- Is similar in form and function to occupational licensure compacts for nursing, psychology, medicine, physical therapy and emergency medical services.
ASLP-IC is operational when 10 states enact the legislation for the compact.
- Audiologists and speech-language pathologists licensed in their home state apply for a privilege to practice under the ASLP-IC. State lines are a barrier no more!
- ASLP-IC states communicate and exchange information including verification of licensure and disciplinary sanctions.
- ASLP-IC states retain the ability to regulate practice in their states.
- Increasing access to client, patient and student care.
- Facilitating continuity of care when clients, patients, and students relocate, travel.
- Certifying that audiologists and speech-language pathologists have met acceptable standards of practice.
- Promoting cooperation between ASLP-IC states in the areas of licensure and regulation.
- Offering a higher degree of consumer protection across state lines.
- Allowing licensed audiologists and speech-language pathologists to practice face to face or through telehealth across state lines without having to become licensed in additional ASLP-IC states.
- Permitting audiologists and speech-language pathologists to provide services to populations currently underserved or geographically isolated.
- Allowing military personnel and spouses to more easily maintain their profession when relocating.
What states are part of the compact?
This will be ever-changing, depending on which states have passed the legislation. Here's an up-to-date MAP of participating compact states.
Which state do I get my license in?
You will hold ONE license - the one that is YOUR home state.
How will I be able to practice in other states?
If the other state is part of the Interstate Compact, you will apply for a PRIVILEGE TO PRACTICE in the remote state(s) where your client resides. There will likely be a fee for practicing in other states.
When will I renew my license?
You will renew your license in your HOME state according to the home state's renewal deadlines. Your privilege to practice in remote states will renew at the same time as your home state license.
What about Missouri? Are they part of the Interstate Compact?
Missouri is NOT part of the Compact, and will not be eligible to participate in the Compact because its licensing laws are different from other Compact states. Currently, a CFY experience is not required in the state of MO; however, it is required in all other Compact states. Unless MO updates its state licensing laws to require a CF, it will not be able to participate in the Compact. As a clinician, you CAN still get your license in MO, but you would apply for a regular license, not a privilege to practice under the Compact.
I am a school-based clinician. What if the remote state requires a separate Dept of Education license/certification?
If an ASLP-IC participating state does not require a separate license or certification to work in a school, an individual who works in a school may obtain a privilege to practice under the ASLP-IC. That individual may work in a school in another participating state only if that state does not require a separate license or certification to do so.

I am an audiologist licensed in Kansas. Do I need to get a hearing aid dispensing license in other states if I wish to dispense hearing aids there?
If an ASLP-IC participating state does not require a separate license to dispense a hearing aid, a practitioner may obtain a privilege to practice under the ASLP-IC and will be able to continue to do so. If the remote state does require a separate license to dispense, the practitioner will have to obtain that license.

What if I have had disciplinary action against my license?
An individual can no longer practice under the authority of the ASLP-IC if his or her state license is revoked. An individual is still eligible to apply for licensure directly in any state, regardless of that state’s participation in the ASLP-IC. By applying for licensure, the board will make the final, ultimate determination to decide if a license to practice audiology or speech-language pathology should be granted. Section 3 – “G. The privilege to practice is derived from the home state license.” Section 4 – “J. If a home state license is encumbered, the licensee shall lose the compact privilege in any remote state until the following occur: 1. The home state license is no longer encumbered; and 2. Two years have elapsed from the date of the adverse action.”
If a privilege to practice is revoked because of an adverse action, every other state where a privilege to practice is held and where the home state license is held will determine if the privilege or license in that state is also revoked.
Do I need to meet the CEU requirements for each state in which I have a privilege to practice under the Interstate Compact?
A practitioner only needs to maintain their home state license and associated continuing education in order to obtain a privilege to practice in a remote state. The practitioner does not need to meet a remote state’s continuing education requirements unless it relates to scope of practice issues. For example, if a remote state requires continuing education in supervision in order to supervise, the practitioner would be required to complete that continuing education requirement if they planned to supervise.