Thanks for your interest in exhibiting at the Annual KSHA Conference. The conference takes place Sept 29-30, 2025 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan, KS.
The Exhibit & Sponsorship Packet is now available. Learn about our conference and how to best get your product, service, or company in front of our attendees!
Exhibitors are eligible to use the discounted group rate at the conference hotel. Details available at registration.
Register to Exhibit
You are invited to exhibit your products and services at the KSHA Annual Conference of the Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Anticipated attendance is usually 550 (100 audiologists and 450 speech-language pathologists). At this time, we are planning a fully in-person conference, though there are virtual exhibit options.
Hilton Garden Inn
410 S. 3rd St.
Manhattan, KS 66502
One exhibit table $350
Two tables $700
Non-Profit/Home-Based Business (One table) $225
Take-One Display (for those not able to attend - we provide promotional materials on your behalf) $150
Exhibitors may use our discounted room rate. Call (785) 532-9116 to reserve your room by 8/29/2025. Mention KSHA Annual Meeting when booking.
Sunday, September 28
5:30PM - 9:00PM Exhibitor Set-Up
Monday, September 29
7:30AM - 6:00PM Exhibit Hall Open
Tuesday, September 30
7:30AM - 1:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open
1:30 PM Exhibitor Tear Down
July 1 - Deadline for Exhibitors and Sponsors
September 1 -Last Day for Cancelation with Refund*
*Cancelations received in writing, by mail or email no later than September 1, 2025, will receive a 75% refund. After this date, your entire fee will be forfeited.
Exhibit hall assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis.
Questions? Email